Friday, 16 November 2007

What is Cultural Environment for Tourism?

Cultural tourism is based on the mosaic of places, traditions, art forms, celebrations and experiences that portray the Island and its people, reflecting the diversity and character of the Margarita Island. We need to think about cultural environment because really there is no other kind of tourism. It's what tourism is...People don't come to the Caribbean only for the recreation facilities, people don't come to our Island only for our beautiful views, sunsets... -- they come to the Island to enjoy also art, history, cultural experiences, music, folkloric spaces, colonial architecture, natural monuments, museums, old castles, forties, ceramics, flowers...
Tourism can make a significant contribution to economic prosperity of the Island, it enables its Cultural Heritage to be recognized, but unfortunately can also harm it if we don't take good care of culturally and naturally vulnerable regions.

The necessary interaction between Cultural Heritage protection and cultural development can be achieved through the key role of museums of preserving and conserving the Heritage itself and of fostering cultural diversity and mutual understanding.

Cultural historical places in Margarita Island:

During the Colonization Period, the Spaniards built several castles and forts to defend the island against pirate attacks. Those buildings remain as a reminder of this turbulent time in our past.

Castle Santa Rosa: Located in the capital La Asunción, at 10 km from Porlamar. It dominates strategically the Valley of Santa Lucia. Its construction was initiated in 1667 and it was finished in 1683. It was declared National Monument in October 1965.

Fortín de la Galera: Is located in the bay with the same name in Juan Griego. It was built in 1811 by the provisional Government of Margarita and given the name Libertad (Freedom)

Fortín España: Is located on a hill outside of Santa Ana and protected the road form Juan Griego to La Asunción.

Castle San Carlos de Borromeo: Was protecting the bay of Pampatar. It was built between 1664 and 1684. It was the most important one on Margarita Island

Fortín Santiago de la Caranta: On the other side of the bay of Pampatar are the ruins of Fortín Santiago de la Caranta. It was built between 1586 and 1595. It was destroyed in an attack of Dutch Pirates in 1926

Below, please visit some locations by "clicking" each of the following:

Natural Monuments
Colonial Constructions

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